This note is published.
I have been Writing a book since 2015-June-15 about my Life living in Faith.
It has been my desire to write this book for a long time ago. Although I write blogs about my self, my family and my country, I grew strongly in those years. Recently in 2010 when I became a real Christian, I learned many things in life which I thought I knew. It had changed me tremendously and also it made me a stronger person in Faith.
God had inspired me since 2010 to write this book but for some reason, I couldnt write it then because God was not finished in molding me for those years. I was under the discipline of God so that I will not be a hypocrite to write this book, as I would share my story. It took five years later before I finally unlocked the key of my life as God delivered me from all evil. I am not perfect, but by the fear of God in me, I learned to be disciplined and obey. Although, I cannot convince people, to me it does not matter because what matters most now is that I could tell the world that My God is Real...
In this book “Faith like a Mustard Seed”, it will be a long journey of telling a story from my childhood years up to this present. I am making an announcement for those whom will be involved in this book to be aware that I will be publishing my True to Life Story and theoritically, it will be registered in bookstores and in the libraries in Sweden and maybe across the internet which will be open for public with purpose of my Faith to Jesus Christ.
I hereby announce that every detail such names, places, feelings, emotions, words will be written in according to the truthful information of my life. Please take note that my purpose of this book is not to shame those involved but to encourage people to change and turn themselves to God and have faith in Jesus Christ. A faith changing to those whom have been into this kind of situation: child abuse, trauma, sexual abuse, drug abuse, drunkenness, prostitution, rejection, verbal abuse, failed, relationships, anger, hatred, failed marriage,adultery, depression, trauma, stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, envy, jealousy, lies.... This book will be publish for the purpose of Faith and changing lives. My intention is to encourage and as to witness what God has done to my life. For I am not perfect, no one on earth is perfect. Romans 3:23 ESV/ For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but only I am justified by faith
Mark 2:17 ESV/ And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”
With this note:
I would like to make the list below of all the people involved.
The Seminiano Family: Wilma “Baby”, Myrasol “Myra”, Jenalyn “Jing”, Bubot and to my Aunt Wilma H.
Sensitive details: Old Johnny, Johnny E., Dante T., Bubot, Mariano C.
My Family: Gilbert, Rubin, Ronalyn, Dominador, Eleonor, Paulene, Benny and the kids
Others: Rodel P, Nicasio DS, Kim L, Julieta Cambri, Jeannette M., Scarlette “Kaye”, Mary Grace, Michelle C “Venus”, Michelle LA, Jennifer C,Bernadette D.
This are the names that I think will appear on the book.But of course, for some reason of senstivity of details, I will not put the real names of the people to protect their identity and integrity. With due respect for their families, I will find nick names for some characters that are very sensitive in details. The book will be published when I am done writing it but otherwise, I would just like you all to be aware that your names are involved in my Faith like a Mustard Seed.
If there are any complaints or requests of name changing, I can put initials on your names by request. Just send me a message and I will take note!
God Bless you and May the goodness, love and mercy of the Lord guide you in life everyday.

Yours Truly
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