Wednesday, November 16, 2016


the best thing is to preach the Gospel and then it is their decision to follow Him.
Gospel of Jesus
- all have sinned and fall short glory. no one is righteous. and no one has self righteousness.
- seek Him while He is found.
- for God so loved the world.
- he sent Yeshua to redeem the lost souls.
- repentance is turning away from sins. a great remorse and stop doing things God hates. did you lie white or black, steal  ( took something that is not yours or borrow without returning it ), sexual activity outside marriage, kissed bowed gave incense to a statue, witchcraft, medium, horoscope, yoga, crystals new age, myth, false witness or false statements, disrespectful to parents, hatred, bitter, angry all the time. now, repent from this and confess to God.
- forgive. believe.
- be baptised for the forgiveness of sins.. you dont need to wait for a pastor to baptise you. biblically all followers of Yeshua are disciples and are legible to baptise.
- be baptised with the Holy Spirit. receive the gifts.
- Behold all things have passed! The new man has come.
- NOW YOUR LIFE IS OF GOD and not yours anymore. so do His will.
- and God gives the  righteousness of Yeshua so that we are able to come to Him and call Him ABBA!
- Saved by grace and not of your own.
- live a disciple life. its for everybody.
- pray for the sick. heal the sick. cast our demons. preach the gospel.
- make disciples. just like the way you are taught.
- read your bible.
- when people are angry because of your faith. keep silent and love them.pray for them.
- All the time FOCUS ON YESHUA.
- fast and pray.
dont be shy to ask God. knock at His door when you dont understand something.
- stop calling friend when u have problem. pray and talk to God first and fast.
- avoid indoctrination that is not biblical. avoid theories and theology..
- at work. at street. be led by the Spirit. pray for people that the Spirit leads  you into.
dont forget to preach the gospel for those who are willing to listen.
- let go of people when they dont want to hear the gospel. know for certain that the kingdom of God has come near them.
- dont proclaim when u helped a person in need.
- when persecution comes, dont complain and nag. BE shows you are in the right path.
- accept the critics as challenge.
keep calm.
- dont worry about the news. keep yourself busy doing the works Jesus commanded.
-  while the world is getting worse. keep working till the end is near. so we will not be found lazy when Yeshua comes.
• make disciples= preach them the gospel.pray for the sick.cast out demons.when they believe and are eager.baptise in water and holy..
- this is LIFE IN YESHUA HAMASHIACH. I live it daily everywhere and even  to my family.

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