Thursday, April 28, 2016

Today's Wonder - Baguio City Public Market Philippines

Praise to the Lord God in Heaven! Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The  and perfecter of our Faith and the molder of Righteosness and Holiness in us all!!..
Rejoice for Life with the Lord is not easy but light!
I am so much amazed by His Great and Wonders of Signs and Miracles. As Jesus had Promised the Holy Spirit and the works of it, I become more and more hungry of Him everyday.
Yesterday was a very Special day.

Yesterday, we ( me and my husband) were in a public market buying some things to bring to sweden.
The Holy Spirit led me to a bar and restaurant where I used to hang out when I was a teenager. Few people did not recognised me. Some ladies saw me and felt a different atmosphere that is with me and my husband.
I shared them Gospel and prayed for them. For I see them with compassion and I saw how much they are deep they are in living in sin and being slaves to it.
They were amazed and at the same time they could not believe it is me sharing them witnesses about how God changed me through Jesus Christ.
They look back at my life and who I am now, the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts.
Later on outside the building, there was an old woman who has a problem in breathing and has allergy reactions, and I prayed for her and she could feel the difference and she felt ease and lighter in breathing!
Then another woman saw what we did and she said she have pain in her hands and have sprains, and later she said she have back pains which when we prayed a little while she got healed and was amazed! I shared them what Jesus says and my life is a big testimony for them all!
Later after the market, I met with my sisters and we prayed for few people. Some of them got strength so they could walk better and some received strength in heart and others encouragement!

All Glory  to God and praises to His Son Jesus Christ!

Now! I will walk doing good things and being aware of the tribulations and trials that would come! May God help me endure to the end! May other Disciples of Jesus do the same!!!
Yours in Christ Jesus - Rochelle Faldt

Friday, April 22, 2016

Kickstart Event tuba Poblacion

Kickstarted one sister and it was awesome! PRAISE JESUS FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SO POWERFUL!
1st Day #Philippines #BaguioCity #TubaPoblacion

This is it. JESUS is the same yesterday today and forever more. Sister Ahlee got loose from the numbness of her thyroid illness and ear and neck. And the sister got healed from numbness caused by stroke!

Praise the LORD Jesus...the woman with dark clothes had stroke and was so numb in her left arm and even if i would hit her she wouldn't feel it.we prayed for her almost 35-40 minutes..until she received her senses again!!!

Good morning from Philippines!
First! I give Glory to our Father in Heaven! I give thanks to Him for all He had done from the past few  and yesterday!
All honor and majesty! Praise to Jesus for being His maidservant among people!

2nd Day #Philippines #BaguioCity #TubaPoblacion

Yesterday was a wonderful day!
I prayed for a man on a barbershop whom have had stroke and was numb in left body for 10 years. I prayed for him and his senses got back for the first time.
He said that he felt ease and released!
He was sweating heavily but he was joyful of the miracles that happened and thankfully to the Lord.

Afterwards I went to meet and fellowship with brethren in Bethany Fellowshipping House of the Disciples Ahlee and Dan Wallace.
The Gospel is preached and the Holy Spirit moved mightily!
It touched every heart of people that came. Even those whom were led by the Spirit to come and join heard and realised what is the true Gospel apart from theologies and philosophy.
One woman got baptised by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. And it was so powerful! Few legs grew and some young people seemed to got scared of the moving of the Holy Spirit because they've never seen in like that before!
I believed that people's lives had changed just by that meeting!
Although I didn't knew what and how I shall do it, I am amazed that my life is a blessing to many.
I am thankful for the couple Sister Ahlee and Brother Dan for receiving me in their house and we had a good fellowship and were United in the Spirit of God.

Brothers and Sisters I am grateful for your interceding prayers from a far, it  helped me and made me confident that your support is strong enough in Spirit. Thank you! And be blessed!


Praise to the Lord God in Heaven! Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The  and perfecter of our Faith and the molder of Righteosness and Holiness in us all!!..
Rejoice for Life with the Lord is not easy but light!
I am so much amazed by His Great and Wonders of Signs and Miracles. As Jesus had Promised the Holy Spirit and the works of it, I become more and more hungry of Him everyday.
Yesterday was a very Special day.
We were with the brethren of the Bethany House and the fellowshipping was so amazing!
There are few sisters whom have heard the Gospel without compromising about the truth. It made them realise many things and had thought so much that faith indeed is needing an application or a demonstration of everyday life.
Some have been set free from different things of fear, and few have been kickstarted and it's so beautiful!
Few people got healed from back pains and grew out legs. Some had some questions about the Holy Spirit and Speaking in tongues which was amazing that God revealed it through my life.
The fellowship was just so wonderful that leaving them would have made me feel like I miss them already.!
But isn't it its always like this? Departing is always not the easy part, and all the days of spending time together and knowing each other. Seeing things and hearing things that had been revealed by the Holy Spirit, made such a good bond for each of us to be more closer and to feel the family ties are strong in Jesus Christ. Departing, I see it as the beginning of life as a disciple..
Till then, I know where to go. Between the valleys, the heavens rises and the sun rests on every side. I'll be back to be with them.

#kickstart #day3
May God help me endure to the end! May other Disciples of Jesus do the same!!!
Yours in Christ Jesus - Rochelle Faldt

Thursday, April 14, 2016

What About Sin

Sin has Consequences..and it is death...death means by Spirit...Sin kills you will be so-called zombie..because you live but your mind is not with will lost your love to your life and you will be unhappy and uncontent in will be bitter, ungrateful, unthankful, always suspicious, aggressive, judgemental and the only way you see your comfort is through materials around you or by being masked like partying, drunkenness, addiction and sin can lead you to depression and unstability in mind...

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

JAmes 17:17
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins -

And when you commit or practice what you know is not right, then you are responsible of your actions. And the judgment thereby  is death.  But always when you repent and come close to God and ask for forgiveness, and turn away from that sinful nature, as of Jesus says to the thief, you're forgiven and steal no more. And Jesus says to the adulteress, go and sin no more. Ask for forgiveness, and then turn away and learn to do the right thing.

1 John 1:9 ESV
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Galatians 5:19-21
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions  and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

The things that are not right are maybe things you like to do. You are then a lover of the flesh and the world. I don't mean that we have to go to church and be boring people. But what I say is that, of all the wonderful things around you, there are many things you can be thankful.. you breath and move every day. The chance of seeing the mornings are God's gift to you. May you be enlightened with all the things that God is giving you. Although trials and difficulties have stretched you and quenched you painfully. And that you've met people that have hurt you or maybe they even misinterpreted God's character in you, let it not be an excuse. It's just like when someone judge a person without knowing them, it would hurt someone enormously. Think about God's emotions as the eternal Father, He is also hurt when you're hurting, rejoices when you succeed, and sad when people misunderstands Him.
Let your heart be opened and the eyes of your soul be enlightened.. learn to know Him..Learn His ways and decrees..He loves you enormously and you are unique. In Him you are also chosen and has Purpose...

And there is a way if you repent and be open heartedly to Jesus..because NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD.

Romans 8:38-39
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 John 1:7-9
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.  If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Church Kickstart! April 10 2016 Baguio City, Philippines - Quezpn Hill Extension

Praise God for His righteousness and Holiness. HIS Kingdom is as pure and His love endures forever! Praise Jesus for the strength and boldness....

The HOLY SPIRIT was so powerful today!
I was in a fellowshipping in a small village.! There was a disciple by the name of Edger whom have prayed and the young and old experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit.

I stood and showed the practical training of God's power in Jesus name!
Many people got kickstarted both young and old!!

One woman had knee problems and her legs grew out as a young people prayed for her.
And this woman prayed for One Man who has a pain in the shoulder whom supposed to go to massage and he got healed and could lift his arms again!

One old woman also got healed from a long time sickness of back pain and she was just so happy and sweet a young lady prayed for her! This old woman also has deafness that comes and goes and so a young man got kickstarted and prayed for her. She could feel the difference and she was just so happy! She told me that she felt that there is something that opened in her ear!  I preached the Gospel to some of them and had a fellowshipping with everyone in this group..

Legs grew out and pains had left! Sickness are gone! And the Holy Spirit is so free..!!

Praise God and Honor to Jesus...!
Hallelujah! - Karla Rochelle -

Today's Wonder - Baguio City, Philippines - Kickstart April 8-9 2016

Praise God for His righteousness and Holiness. HIS Kingdom is as pure and His love endures forever! Praise Jesus for the strength and boldness....

Day 2 Kickstart, Baguio City, Philippines.
Today was a wonderful day!
I've met an old man today who have crutches, he have had such constant pain and been damaged in his hips and he would feel pain in his hips whenever he would walk.. When I prayed for him. He got healed and the pain was gone.
He was very impressed and happy.

I've met my old Science teacher when I was 12 years old. He had crutches also and he don't have knee plates at all in his left leg. I prayed for him and he said that he felt good because the pain was gone.
He was so much amazed and so happy. He wouldn't have any needs of his crutches any time soon.

A group of young people were in the mall. So, one of them have uneven length of legs. When it grew they were shocked and they heard the Gospel of ChristJesus.

A woman I know got healed also from back pain.

Another friend to me has a child that has had fever and it left the child.
Praise God and Honor to Jesus...!
Hallelujah! - Karla Rochelle -

Friday, April 8, 2016

Today's Wonder - Baguio City - April Kickstart Day 1

Praise God for His righteousness and Holiness. HIS Kingdom is as pure and His love endures forever! Praise Jesus for the strength and boldness....

Today was a great day!
I met people and I've shared the Gospel to them. Many people in my city are very religious and thought that Jesus is religion. And that they could believe whatever they wanted.
I am amazed by God's Spirit that guides me, for I have preached radically and spoke that if people then claim they believe in Jesus but still can do what they want, they are liars and deceives themselves. Some young people got scared of what I've spoken because I shared them the Holiness and Righteousness of God. But the adversary came to their mind and told me to bid them goodbye. So I left.

There were certain people whom are able to hear, there was a young lady whom have been touched by the Holy Spirit and have been into a Catholic church system. When I spoke to her, I asked, "why do you believe?" And she was quiet. she have never heard the truth of the Gospel and I've got the chance to share my witness. She received it and will think about the true meaning of her faith in Jesus.

There was a woman from a Jehovas witness and she was very open to the Gospel and was curious. But she was not able to resist the word I shared because she felt it is true but also bid me goodbye.

Later, I prayed for a woman who had a pain in her bladder, I prayed for her and she got healed.
Another man got healed from a constant pain also.

My little sister arrived and there was a man that God had blessed as we cross the street. The Spirit spoke through this old man. He spoke " if you know you are right, you don't have to be afraid! You just have to go and walk straight" and I could discern that the Spirit indeed was guiding  me for I was dismayed after all the rejection that my people in my city could not receive the true Gospel.
Then I asked the man if he has pain. He has a constant pain that also makes him imbalance and would make him fall whenever he would walk up the stairs. So I prayed for him and he explains the pain went and the feeling was lighter. So I told my sister to pray for the man. And he got healed.

My sister by the way couldn't believe her eyes, although it was her first time to pray and experience the power of God in Jesus name, she doubted. When I was about to speak, the old man came and was in cheerful joy. He said, " how could this be? I'm healed, and the pain is gone" then I got the chance to share the Gospel and my sister was in awe and speechless.. for me! This is daily life as a disciple..
We thank the Lord for this miracles and wonders..

Today's Wonder - Manila April 3-5, 2016

Praise God for His righteousness and Holiness. HIS Kingdom is as pure and His love endures forever! Praise Jesus for the strength and boldness....

Prayed for few people and my sister and her husband..legs grew and I've got thw chance to share them the true Gospel of Jesus...

Today April 5 is my last day in manila before I will go to my city.

I was led by the Spirit to walk on the stairs and I saw the young lady I prayed for a day ago. And she told me that she was expecting for me to pass by her and pray for her again for complete healing. So I prayed and she felt better in her knee pain. Again I preached to her and I discovered she has more illness and was interested to speak so I referred her another disciples by the name of Abigail and Claus. And she want to know more.

I prayed for a woman who had reumatism as she was dragging her left leg and after I prayed for her, she could walk better and they were so thankful and were shocked at this things. The pain got better and I saw she walked normal again.
I've prayed for a man in a wheelchair whom had stroke and he could lift up his arm and could move a little. And then they have to leave to the taxi.
Ive rayed for a man whom also have crutches and he also has stroke.

At evening, we went out. Ive been led by the Holy Spirit to a street bar that were filled with prostitutes. I had the struggles myself but  I couldn't resist the Holy Spirit and I came to speak to a woman. MY heart was jumping and I just knew it's God! AS I come close to her, she got scared but I said " don't be afraid! I come with Peace! The kingdom of Heaven has come near you and she received me and the words I give her. I felt strength and courage so I preached to her about the Kingdom of God. And I see her eyes, she hold her tears and I could see even her friends were shocked why I'm there.
I've got the chance to share my witness and then I prophesied to her.. gave her a hug and I went.
I feel the depth of Gods heart calling for sinners to repent. Today, this prostitute is my person of peace.