Thursday, April 24, 2014

En Stark Uppvaknande... (A Strong Awakening)

Framtiden, vad dem bilderna bygger på? vad kan framtiden ge och hur samhället möter dagliga livet fram tills framtiden. Det livet som man har nu och då? Vad har vi för livet just nu? friska? sjuka? ...Jag Är Rädd...!!!

Jag tror inte att jag skulle leva is Sverige i min ålderspension. Krisbeteende av politiker som tar med sig hela samhället till en färre framtid. Den växande värld med som introducerar nya saker och ting hela tiden. Den utvecklande värld som erbjuder moderna livet och digitala samhälle.  Det samhälle som man har förlorat en gång, det sociala livet som en gång var viktigaste av allt. 
Nu är jag 28 år gammal, ursprungligen från Filippinerna, kom till Sverige i 2007 som har önskat att bara komma och leva livet med min föredetta make. Livet i sverige som väckte starka känslor inom mig, gav mig kunskap och medvetande. Livet i Sveige som gav mig medkänsla till sina medmänniskor. Livet har gått så fort tills jag fick två barn, livet som skulpturerade mig genom åren och har släppt ut mina demoner som jag försökte gömma varje dag sedan jag fick medvetandet.

Politiker i olika länder beter sig annorlunda, beter sig som djur. Olika kulturer som väcker olika känslor och reaktioner, men men...politiker har samma skinn i sig genom alla dessa år och sedan förr i tiden. det som gör mig rädd är denna utvecklingen och framtiden. Ökning av den Äldre grupp och färre jobb chanser för de unga, växande invandringen, bredare fattigdom och färre etiska beteende. Folk som är icke villig att samarbeta och utveckla sin framtid utan lutar sig mot det systemet som ger för mycket trygghet och försörjning (som alla tror att de behöver inte oroa sig för att det tar aldrig slut, att alla som tror att Sverige kan klara sig ekonomisk, att alla som tänker att Sverige har mycket medkänsla och hjälper mycket utifrån.) 

Politiker försöker visa sig ut i samhället att man bry sig om sina medmänniskor. för att dölja problemet till samhället så säger man att ''vi vill ge ett nytt sysselsättning som styrker individens självförtroende som kan leda till ett jobb.''  sysselsättning istället för jobb.  Jobb är annorlunda bokstavligt än sysselsättning.. rätta mig om jag jag missförstår. Olika verksamhet som man tror att man kan skära ner andra utgifter, samhällets behov skärs ner som olika bidrag, hjälpmedel till de som verkligen är vid behov. Skattehöjningar som skall täcka landets kostnad.  Var går framtiden vägen?

Framtida Unga och den Ökande Gamla Befolkning, hur ska det gå till i framtiden? 
Vem skall betala Äldre Omsorgen nu att de växer fort, när politikerna prioriterar världskrig, matkrig,  än att satsa på samhällets behov så som de familjer som förlorar jobbet, individ som går genom psykiska sjukdomar, individ som vill utveckla men har fläck i sin register kan få chans att förändra sitt liv.

Jag är rädd för framtiden, och jag vill inte leva i Sverige när jag blir 65. 
Tiden som styr vårt dagliga liv, systemet som styr våra tankesätt och framtid. Nej tack, Jag kan inte leva så här i Sverige. Då vill jag leva resten av livet tillbaka i hemlandet och känna att jag lever. Vakna du nu, tror du att livet i Sverige är bättre på grund av sin system som förblindar dig för att tro på det, eller så tror du att du äger din tid och att du är fri. Har du tänkt dig vad som ska hända med dig när du bli gammal? Skulle du vilja leva i äldreomsorgen och att andra människor skall ta hand om dig och stoppa in dig medicin, klart dem ska ta hand om dig, jag säger som det är eftersom jag är utbildad undersköterska. Att när man blir gammal så förlorar man allt, sin styrka, synen, glädje och livet försvinner. Hur ser din framtid ut? 

vem vill hänga med?
watch the video here..

The future, what those images are based on ? what the future may provide and how the community meets daily life until the future. The life that you have now and then? What is our life right now ? Healthy? sick ? ... I Am Afraid ... !

I do not think I would live in Sweden in my retirement . Crisis behavior of politicians who bring the entire community into a fewer future. The growing world introducing new things all the time. The developing world offering modern life and digital society. The society that one has lost one time, the social life that was once the most important thing.
Now I am 28 years old, originally from the Philippines, came to Sweden in 2007, which has wanted to just come and live life with my ex husband . Life in Sweden that aroused strong feelings in me , gave me the knowledge and consciousness. Life in Sweden who gave me compassion for fellowmen. Life has been so fast until I got two children , life has sculptured me over the years and have placed my demons that I tried to hide every day since I got consciousness.

Politicians in different countries behave differently , behave like animals . Different cultures that evokes different emotions and reactions , but but ... politicians have the same skin itself through all these years and even then in the past. What makes me afraid is about the development and future. Increasing  elderly group and fewer job opportunities for the young , growing immigration , wider poverty and fewer ethical behavior. People who are not willing to cooperate and develop their future without leaning against the system that gives too much protection and security ( who all think they do not need to worry that it will never end , that everyone who believes that Sweden can manage economically , to all who think that Sweden has much compassion and helpful. )

Politicians are trying to prove to society that they care about their fellow man . to hide the problem to the community so they say that '' we want to give a new activity, proving the individual's self-confidence that could lead to a job. '' Activities instead of jobs. Jobs is different literally than employment .. correct me if I misunderstand me . Various activities that you think you can cut down other expenses, the needs of society are cut down as various grants, aid to those who really are in need . Tax increases to cover its cost. Where does the future go?

Future Young and the Growing Older Population , how will this be done in the future?
Who should pay Eldercare now that they are growing fast, when politicians prioritize world war , food fight , than to invest in the needs of society so that the families who lose their jobs , individuals who go through mental illness, individuals who want to develop but has blemish in his record can have the chance to change tjeir lives.

I fear for the future, and I do not want to live in Sweden when I'm 65.
The time that governs our daily life, the system that controls our thinking and our future. No thanks , I can not live like this in Sweden . Then I want to live the rest of my life back at home and know that I am alive. Awake now , do you think that life in Sweden is better because of its system that blinds you to believe in it, or you believe that you own your time and you are free . Have you imagined what will happen to you when you get old ? Would you like to live in elderly care and that other people will take care of you and put you in medicine, clearly they'll take care of you, I say that it is because I am a trained nurse . That when you get old , you loose everything , strength , vision, joy and life disappears. What does your future look like?

who understands me ? or who can think like me?

Monday, April 21, 2014

You Are My Life..Song review

There is a song from Micheal Jackson that explains much of being lonely and alone, The world seems so lost then when you have not seen the love you have always dreamed of. This song is very reflecting for most of the people who always wanted to have someone to love and be loved in return. I think it is very amazing that this song is written very carefully. In the song it explains a lot about how the person felt when suddenly a true love arrive, it totally can change whole life and point of view. Whole world seems so brighter then and gives a lot of energy to one. I am very amazed by this song and i guess this can be a wedding song actually. Well, Hopefully you all will like listening to this song and give it a try, i suppose...I am sharing you the Lyrics of the song...and a video below...

"You Are My Life"
Once all alone
I was lost in a world of strangers
No one to trust
On my own, I was lonely
You suddenly appeared
It was cloudy before but now it's clear
You took away the fear
And you brought me back to the light
You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime my nighttime
My world
You're my life
Now I wake up everyday
With this smile upon my face
No more tears, no more pain
'cause you love me
You help me understand
That love is the answer to all that I am
And I'm a better man
Since you taught me by sharing your life
You gave me strength
When I wasn't strong
You gave me hope when all hope is lost
You opened my eyes when I couldn't see
Love was always here waiting for me


Saturday, April 19, 2014

It Takes Time to know Whats Right

Sometimes it takes us time to know if the things that we do is the right thing for us.

Lately, I have done massive of mistakes, I've hurt people in my sorroundings. But I am glad that I am a kind of person where I admit my own mistakes and Im proud of myself that I dont deny things I did. 
I am a stubborn person where I decide quickly and act quickly, I am impatient and wanted to know things by myself even if I get warnings. By time truly, I am learning daily. I want to know more about myself and get back to myself where i must do things right.

I am giving my sincere thoughts towards those I have hurt unintentionally. I wish that by doing back good things, they could see theres good in me.
I am glad that God leads me daily to be known by teaching on the journey. I am happy for the people who stayed with me through the difficulties in life. For handling me whenever my time was so low. I am happy I have you all who cared enough for me, May you all be blessed for your understanding and caring, that is priceless,.. I cherish you all for supporting me and respecting my decisions.

It takes a lot of energy before I knew I was doing wrong but at least it was not late when I woke up from my mistakes, and Im happy about it. 

I look for a better future, I see God has plans for me and that the future is full of hope and life, prosperity and harmony.
To God be the Glory, the creator of heaven and earth.. all bow down in his Glorious power.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Functional Loneliness

Functional Loneliness - What is it?

I believe that functional loneliness occurs for individuals who have found somewhat effective ways to cope with their loneliness. Unlike individuals that may have overwhelming feelings of loneliness, people with functional loneliness are able to successfully suppress their feelings without having to deal with it directly. Usually it is because they are so busy doing other things that there is little time to have these feelings bubble to the surface. They are almost forced to suppress these feelings in order to do their job, take care of their families, or other such things. It is like a drowning person desperately trying to keep her head above water, it is a sink or swim situation. Functional loneliness folks have learned to do some amount of swimming and keep their heads above water whereas other folks just get drowned by their feelings of loneliness. The fact of the matter is that in both situations, the underlying root for these feelings of loneliness is still not being addressed. The cause is that they are not getting the kind of intimacy that they need in their life. The social interaction, the friendships, the disclosure, the feeling of connection and belonging is simply not enough. While they can ignore it with distractions, they cannot get rid of it that way. It will always be there waiting to remind them that their lives are not complete.

When functional loneliness becomes dysfunctional

It is no surprise then that certain situations would trigger these overwhelming feelings of loneliness that would shut them down. These situations demand the support, intimacy, and connection of others, something that was never fully satisfied in the first place. For example, when we experience an embarrassing moment, or someone hurt our feelings, or we feel overwhelmed with the work that we have to do, it helps to have someone to talk to. Even better, it really helps to talk with someone we are close to. However, when that person is not around or does not exist, then feelings of loneliness crop up, and for those with functional loneliness, it becomes very difficult to continue to ignore that background noise of loneliness. That noise has become a lot louder and a lot more distracting. Even ironically, it may be affecting their behavior and they don't even realize it. Sometimes we feel too stressed, or tired or just have no energy or simply feel lost. Underlying these feelings may really be feelings of loneliness, hiding in the shadows behind these other feelings. We become so good at ignoring the noise of loneliness that even when it distracts us to the point we become dysfunctional, we still do not recognize the noise. So our life may become a series of functional and dysfunctional periods marred by our ever constant loneliness.

Living with functional loneliness?

The other question to ask ourselves is, is it okay to continue living life with functional loneliness, with our ups and downs. The answer really depends on the person. Change usually happens when one has enough motivation to make it happen. That whole cycle may not be enough to motivate us to do something about it. However, living with functional loneliness is living a life incomplete. It involves being able to start trusting others and open up our lives to them. Others cannot be sources of comfort, support, and connection if we do not let them into our lives, let them know what is going on, and ask for help. It involves taking a risk and moving outside of our comfort zone. Sometimes we get so used to a bad habit that we forget it is a bad habit and how much of a detrimental effect it has on our lives. And habits are hard to change, but if you are willing to make the effort, you can make that background loneliness noise go away, or at least become a very quiet whisper that you can deal with, even in the tough times.


To feel (1) lonely and depressed, (2) lonely but not depressed, (3) depressed but not lonely, and (4) neither lonely nor depressed. The first scenario is the one most typically seen and, in general, correlations tend to range from .4 to .6 (Weeks et al., 1980). Later research also demonstrates that there might be a reciprocal interplay between loneliness and depression with the net result of increasing both (Cacioppo, Hughes, Waite, Hawkley, & Thisted, 2006). However, it is also possible to experiences states (2) and (3) and there is research to show that the co-occurrence between loneliness and depression has its limitations (Weeks et al., 1980). One can think of scenarios where people are traveling and feeling lonely because their interactions with loved ones is limited, but they are not depressed. In other words, typical symptoms associated with depression are not apparently, such as feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, fatigue, and loss of interest are not present. Similarly, one could be severely depressed and isolated and yet not feel lonely because he/she desires little contact with others.

So the next time you, someone you know, or a client, comes in and says they feel sad, one should really stop and wonder why exactly they feel sad. If it is that that sadness is related to a lack of social connections or a sense of belonging, then perhaps loneliness is the real problem and not depression. They may actually not be depressed at all. Understandingloneliness as a fundamental problem that needs to be dealt with, arguably, can lead to much more effective results than simply lumping everything together as depression.

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